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STUDIES Thirteenth International Congress Budapest
FOR THE TRIENNIUM 2004 - 2006 1.
XIII International Congress Preparations for the thirteenth Congress of the International
Association for Neo-Latin Studies to be held in Budapest between 6 and 13
August 2006 are well under way. We are delighted with the interest shown in the
Congress. In the meantime, every person who submitted an abstract has been
informed about its acceptance or non-acceptance by the Executive Committee. We
would like to remind all potential speakers that they must have paid their
subscription for the present triennium in order to present their papers. The
Plenary papers will be given by Karl Enenkel, Colette Nativel, Joaquin Pascual
Barea, Outi Merisalo, Amedeo di Francesco in the five official languages of the
IANLS (German, French, Spanish, English, and Italian). For information and announcements concerning the congress see: http://neolatin.iti.mta.hu Access to the congress venue From the airport: Budapest (Ferihegy) International Airport is ten miles south-east
of the city centre. It has two terminals: Terminal 1 has been reopened for low-cost
airlines (Air Berlin, Germanwings, EasyJet, SkyEurope and Wizzair, among
others) in September 2005; Terminal Two is divided into two, with Terminal 2A
the departure and arrival point for flights of Malév Hungarian Airlines
and Terminal 2B hosting all international carriers’ flights, including
some of the budget airlines. The airport’s central telephone number for information is
(+36-1) 296-9696, and flight information is available on (+36-1) 296-7000.
Luggage services can be contacted on (+36-1) 296-8108 and (+36-1) 296-7217 in
connection with flights into and out of Terminal 2A, and (+36-1) 295-3480 and
(+36-1) 296-7948 for Terminal 2B. Seats on Malév flights can be booked on (+36-1) 235-3888.
See also www.malev.hu The main car hire firms have offices in the arrivals halls. For
those not driving, the Airport Mini-bus will carry passengers to and from any
part of Budapest. It is very popular and provides excellent value for money
(one way: 2300HUF/person, return: 3900HUF/person; 1 euro= ca. 255 forints). It
can be booked on (+36-1) 296-8555 or in person at the airport. If you arrive together in two or three, it is more profitable to
take a cab, but it is always recommended that you ask the driver what the fare
is. Normally it should not cost more than 5000 HUF (in 2006)! By rail: Daily more than fifty trains provide direct links between Budapest
and no fewer than 25 other capital cities of Europe. Trains to Vienna run every
three hours. There is also a popular network of Inter City trains linking Budapest
with the main Hungarian centres. International trains operate from the three
largest stations: Keleti pályaudvar (=railway station): VIII., Baross
tér. Tel: (+36-1) 413-4610 Nyugati pályaudvar: VI., Nyugati tér. Tel: (+36-1)
349-8503 Déli pályaudvar: I. Krisztina krt. 37. Tel: (+36-1)
375-6593 Trains from Vienna arrive at Keleti or Déli Railway
Station, while those coming from Prague, Warsaw, Bratislava at Keleti or
Nyugati Station. All three international railway stations are part of the Budapest
underground system, the Metró. The Déli and Keleti are
stops on the Red (Number 2) line and the Nyugati is on the Blue (Number 3) line.
See also the timetables of the Hungarian State Railways: www.elvira.hu By coach: International services terminate and depart from Népliget
Coach Station, which is also the terminus for a number of domestic routes. Its
telephone number is (+36-1) 382-0888. Other domestic termini are at
Árpád híd ((+36-1) 412-2597) and Stadionok ((+36-1) 220-6227)
in Pest, and Etele tér ((+36-1) 382-4910) in Buda. See also www.volanbusz.hu By ship, for enterpreneurs: A hydrofoil services operates during the summer months (from April
to October) linking the heart of Budapest with Vienna and Bratislava.
International boat landings are situated on the Danube between the Chain Bridge
(Szabadság híd). Information about Mahart PassNave Ltd. services
is available on (+36-1) 318-6042. See also www.mahartpassnave.hu
By car: All Hungary’s motorways and most of the main roads radiate
out from the capital. The M1, M3, M5 and M7 are toll motorways, and you must
pay the appropriate toll (either at the border or at larger petrol stations)
and display the windscreen sticker before taking the road. Road signs conform
to continental standards. 24-hour roadside assistance is available from the Magyar
Autóklub (Tel.: (+36-1) 345-1755), and emergency roadside help can also
be called for by dialling 188. For local transport in Budapest see http://www.budapestinfo.hu, http://budapest.com/ For finding out where exactly your accommodation is situated, we
recommend the following sites: www.utcakereso.hu
(with English interface) www.terkepek.hu Parking is not easy in Budapest, tariffs range between 180-300
HUF/hour in different districts. (1Euro = 250HUF.) Further details related to
parking and local transport in Bu-dapest will be given in the third circular
letter. Accommodation: The list attached to the circular includes hotels which can be
reached by urban transport of approximately half an hour from the Hungarian
Academy of Sciences. (Budapest, 1051-5th district, Roosevelt square 9, www.mta.hu.) The main building of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences is
ten-minutes walk from the stop “Kossuth tér” of the M2-Red
underground line, and also from the stop “Arany János utca”
of the M3-Blue underground line, and the tram nr.2 stops in front of the
building. Please make your own arrangement well in
advance, since according to our
information the date of the “Formula
1 Grand Prix of Hungary”, 6th of
August, will coincide with the first
day of our congress! These days prices are usually higher and hotels are full,
thus it means that the first night of your stay might cost more. The Organizing Committee is not able to make reservations for
participants. More hotels in Budapest can be found via: http://www.budapesthotelreservation.hu, http://budapest.com, http://www.hotels.hu, http://www.budapestinfo.hu, http://www.budapesthotels.com, http://www.ohb.hu/ Accompanying events: During the Congress an excursion to the Benedictine Abbey of
Pannonhalma, a concert in the open-air Aquincum Museum, and several receptions
will be organized, all of which are included in the conference fee. Furthermore
there will be an optional full-day excursion to Szeged, dinner included. (A
short description both of Pannonhalma, and that of Szeged was included in the
first circular letter.) Please note: registration for the excursion will close on April 30, 2006. The banquet on Friday, 11 August at the Budapest Boat-Restaurant
will consist of a three-course meal, including wine, soft drinks, and coffee
(price: 40 €). A place at the banquet can be guaranteed only for those booking
before April 30, 2006! Conference Fees: The conference fees have been set by the Executive Committee at
€ 75,- if paid before 31 March 2006, and € 90,- if paid after that
date (see booking form enclosed in this circular). In order to encourage young
researchers and students to attend, the Executive Committee has agreed to a
special rate of € 35,- for registered research students who do not hold
an institutional post. These amounts include the receptions, coffee breaks, the
excursion to Pannonhalma, and the concert. The banquet as well as the full-day excursion have to be booked
and paid for individually. Payment should be
made by credit transfer to: Account
code/BLZ (IBAN number):
HU76 1160 0006 0000 0000 1344 5865 From
11600006-00000000-13445865 Purpose
(in the comment-box of the transfer commission): for
the conference fee:
“your name”IANLS2006participation (eg. Charlet-IANLS2006participation) for
the full-day excursion:
“your name”IANLS2006excursion for
the banquet: “your
name”IANLS2006banquet [for administrative reasons, it is absolutely
necessary to mention these project codes with your name, otherwise we
cannot identify your money-transfer!] Please make sure
that the Organisers receive the full amount, undiminished by bank charges. You will be sent a confirmation of your booking, preferably by
e-mail. Once paid, conference fees are not refundable. Provisional Programme Sunday, 6 August 16–18 Registration in the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
(afterwards: HAS) 18.30 Reception in the Renaissance garden of the Budapest
Historical Museum (Buda Castle) Monday, 7 August venue: HAS 8.30–10 Registration 10–11 Official opening 11–12 Plenary session 1 (in Italian): Amedeo di Francesco 12–14 Lunch break 14–15.30 Session 1-5: Individual papers 15.30–16 Coffee break 16–17.30 Session 6-10: Individual papers 20 Reception Tuesday, 8 August venue: HAS 9–11 Session 11-15: Individual papers + special sessions 11–11.30 Coffee break 11.30–12.30 Plenary session 2 (in French): Colette Nativel 12.30–14 Lunch break 14–15.30 Session 16-20: Individual papers 15.30–16 Coffee break 16–17.30 Session 21-25: Individual papers + special sessions
19 Concert and reception in the Aquincum Museum Wednesday, 9 August venue: National Széchényi Library, Buda Castle 9–11 Session 26-30: Individual papers + special sessions 11–11.30 Coffee break 11.30–12.30 Plenary session 3 (in English): Outi Merisalo 12.30–14 Lunch break 14 Excursion to the Benedictine Abbey of Pannonhalma Thursday, 10 August venue: HAS 9–10.30 Session 31-35: Individual papers + special sessions 10.30–11 Coffee break 11–13 Business meeting of the IANLS 13–14 Lunch break 14–15 Plenary session 4 (in Spanish): Joaquin Pascual Barea 15–15.30 Coffee break 15.30–18.00 Session 36-40: Individual papers Friday, 11 August venue: HAS 9–11 Session 41-45: Individual papers 11–11.30 Coffee break 11.30–12.30 Plenary session 5 (in German): Karl Enenkel 12.30–14 Lunch break 14–15.30 Session 46-50: Individual papers 15.30–16 Coffee break 16–17.30 Session 51-55: Individual papers 20 Banquet in the Budapest Boat-Restaurant Saturday, 12 August 9.00–ca. 20.00 Excursion to Szeged Notes: (1) We would like to remind all speakers that the length of the
papers must not exceed twenty minutes. (2) The above programme is provisional; current changes will be
published under http://neolatin.iti.mta.hu (3) The rules of the IANLS stipulate that for papers to be
included in the Acta, they must be read by their authors personally, and not by
someone else. (4) If for any reason you have to cancell your participation at
the Congress, please inform the Organizing Committee as soon as possible, to
avoid last-minute disruptions to the programme. 2. XV International
Congress Members are invited to offer
possible venues for the 2012 congress at the Business Meeting in Budapest.
Members intending to do so are kindly requested to contact either Jean-Louis
Charlet (charlet@mmsh.univ-aix.fr) or Marianne Pade (pade@hum.ku.dk) before the
Business Meeting. 3. Subscriptions to the
IANLS In accordance with the statutes
of the IANLS, no one may give a paper without being a member in good standing
of the Association. This means having paid the subscription for the years
2004–2006. The subscription amounts to the equivalent of € 35,- for
regular membership, € 17,50 for reduced membership (students, members in
post at an institution for under five years, retired members, spouses, and
children of members who do not themselves hold an institutional office). If you
have not paid your subscription, please contact your national Secretary /
Treasurer as follows. Belgium and
all other countries not mentioned below: Jan Papy, Katholieke Universiteit
Leuven, Seminarium Philologiae Humanisticae, Blijde-Inkomststraat 21, B-3000
Leuven, Belgium, postal giro acc. no. 000-3149547-54. IBAN: BE42 0003 1495 4754. BIC: BPOTBEB1 Canada:
Brenda Hosington, Linguistique, Université de Montréal, Canada
C.P. 6128, Succ. Centre-ville, Montreal (Québec), H3C 3J7; Ann
Hutchinson, 51 Lowther Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M5R 1C5 (Acc. no. 2017229 La
Banque de Nouvelle-Ecosse, 5180, Chemin de la Côtes-des-Neiges, Montreal,
Quebec H3T 1X8). France:
Colette Nativel, 17 rue Pavée, F-75004 Paris. E-mail: colette.nativel@univ-paris1.fr or colette.nativel@tele2.fr Germany:
Johann Ramminger, Thesaurus Linguae Latinae, Marstallplatz 8, D-80539
München. Sparda-Bank München (BLZ 700 905 00), Kontonummer 10 10 52
268. IBAN: DE 08 700905000101052268. BIC: GENODEF1S04. Italy:
D. Defilippis, Dipartimento di Italianistica, Università degli Studi,
Palazzo Ateneo, Piazza Umberto 1, I-70121 Bari. E-mail: defnuovo@libero.it c/c bancario nr.
103000506, ABI 3067, CAB 41560, CIN V, Banca Carime, Filiale di Molfetta, via
Te-nente Fiorino, 70056 Molfetta; c/c postale nr. 28507705, ABI 7601, CAB 4000,
CIN N, Ufficio postale di Bari centro, via Nicolai, 70122 Bari. The Netherlands: Chris L. Heesakkers, Dept. GLTC - Neolatijn, Doelensteeg 16,
Post-bus 9515, NL - 2300 RA Leiden. E-mail: chris.heesakkers@xs4all.nl, postal giro: acc. no. 1229173 / Chris Heesakkers / inz. rek
ianls, Berlagestr. 19, NL-2321 EK Leiden Spain:
Elena Rodriguez Peregrina, Universidad de Granada, Dept. Latin, c/Santa Rita 4,
4° C, Granada. E-mail: elenarp@ugr.es. Cuenta : Caja General de Ahorros de Granada. Urbana 7, Camino de
Ronda, Granada. Nr. c/c 007.0100494629. United Kingdom: Alejandro Coroleu, University of Nottingham, Dept of Hispanic
Studies, University Park, GB-Nottingham NG7 2RD; Fax: ++44/115/951 5814.
E-mail: Alejandro.Coroleu@nottingham.ac.uk. Natwest Bank, Nottingham University, Univer-sity of Nottingham,
University Park, Nottingham NG7 2AG. Account No. 71559140; Sorting Code 601549.
Cheques should be made out to IANLS, not to the treasurer. United States: Craig Kallendorf, Dept. of English, Texas A&M University,
College Sta-tion, Texas 77 843-4227, USA, fax: (409) 862-2292.
For a printable version of this letter, and of the booking form,
please click here: 2nd circular letter
The Thirteenth International Congress of the International Association for Neo-Latin Studies is arranged
by the IANLS and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, in collaboration with the Ministry of the
National Cultural Heritage and with the universities of Szeged and Debrecen. The congress will take
place 6--12 August 2006 in Budapest, Hungary. It will start in Budapest with registration on Sunday
evening (6 August) and will formally close with the banquet on Friday evening (11 August), with an
excursion to Szeged on the following day.
The theme of the Congress will be "Varietas gentium -- Communis Latinitas'' (Népek sokfélesége –
latinitás közössége). Papers on this theme (in Latin, English, French, German, Italian and Spanish) or
on other aspects of Neo-Latin studies are welcome.
Abstracts between 150 words minimum and 200 words in length should be submitted to Prof. Dr. L.
Szörányi. Abstracts sent by e-mail (neolatin@iti.mta.hu) are preferred, but submissions sent through the post (MTA Irodalomtudományi Intézet, H – 1118 Budapest, Ménesi út 11–13) or by fax (00-36-1-3853876), are also accepted. E-mail and faxes must arrive no later than 31 March 2005. Abstracts sent
by post must bear a date stamp of no later than 31 March 2005. Abstracts sent after that date will not
be accepted. Only papers dealing with Neo-Latin subjects will be considered.
Forms for abstracts may be downloaded from the web site of IANLS (www.ianls.org), from the web site
of the Congress (http://neolatin.iti.mta.hu), or obtained from the Organizing Commitee (Enikő
Békés, MTA Irodalomtudományi Intézet, H – 1118 Budapest, Ménesi út 11–13) or from the secretary of
IANLS, Prof. Dr. Marianne Pade, Københavns Universitet, Institute for Greek and Latin, Njalsgade 80,
DK-2300 Copenhagen, Denmark. You will also find a copy enclosed with this letter.
The Executive Commitee will make a decision on accepting papers and the Organizing Commitee will
inform the proposers by 15 October, 2005.
The Organizing Committee will also welcome proposals for special sessions. Such sessions can focus
either on the special theme of the congress or on any subject relating to Neo-Latin studies. Each
session, however, must have a clearly stated theme. Proposers are responsible for organizing their
sessions. The deadline for detailed proposals is also 31 March 2005. Forms for proposals for special
sessions may be obtained in the same way as the forms for abstracts.
Scholars are advised that the delivery time for each paper must not exceed 20 minutes. Furthermore,
papers delivered at an international congress should be read slowly and clearly in order to be
intelligible to an international audience.
Scholars giving papers or organizing sessions must be paid-up members of the IANLS. Those interested
in submitting papers or proposing sessions who are not IANLS members should contact the secretary
and/or the national treasurers (addresses given below) to apply for membership (see also
www.ianls.org under How to join the IANLS).
The subscription for the triennium 2003-2006 will be 35 Euro or the equivalent. In order to reduce
bank charges, the IANLS has local treasurers in various countries. Local treasurers in countries using
other currencies than Euros will fix the appropriate rate.
Members should take care that the Association receives the full amount and that their subscription is
not diminished by bank charges. If at all possible, payment should be made by postal giro or cheque.
A reduced subscription (of 50%) applies to students still taking courses, to those who are in the first
five years of their institutional appointments, as well to those who are retired from their institutional
appointments after having been members of the IANLS for a three-year-period, provided that they do
not themselves hold an institutional appointment. Institutes and libraries may subscribe to the IANLS at
a subscription rate set by the Business Meeting in Bologna (1979), that is, at twice the normal
subscription; they will have the right to send a delegate to each congress. Affiliated associations may be
represented at the congresses without association fees through the subscriptions of individual IANLS
members belonging to their associations.
All members who want to be in good standing are requested to send their subscription for 2003-2006
as soon as possible to the appropriate treasurer. Cheques should be made payable to the appropriate
treasurer by name. Please indicate if a receipt is desired. The treasurers are as follows:
For all other countries not mentioned below: Jan Papy Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Seminarium Philologiae Humanisticae Blijde-Inkomststraat 21 B-3000 Leuven Belgium email: jan.papy@arts.kuleuven.ac.be postal giro acc. no. 000-3149547-54
Canada: Brenda Hosington Linguistique Universit� de Montr�al Canada C.P. 6128 Succ. Centre-ville Montreal (Qu�bec) H3C 3J7 E-mail: hosington@hotmail.com Ann Hutchinson 51 Lowther Avenue Toronto, Ontario M5R 1C5 (Acc. no. 2017229 La Banque de Nouvelle-Ecosse, 5180, Chemin de la C�tes-des-Neiges, Montreal, Quebec H3T 1X8)
France: Colette Nativel 17 rue Pav�e F-75004 Paris E-mail: colette.nativel@univ-paris1.fr or colette.nativel@tele2.fr
Germany: Johann Ramminger Thesaurus Linguae Latinae Marstallplatz 8 D-80539 M�nchen Sparda-Bank M�nchen (BLZ 700 905 00) Kontonummer 10 10 52 268
Italy: D. Defilippis Dipartimento di Italianistica Universit� degli Studi Palazzo Ateneo Piazza Umberto 1 I-70121 Bari E-mail: defnuovo@libero.it
Spain: Elena Rodriguez Peregrina Universidad de Granada Dept. Latin c/Santa Rita 4, 4� C Granada E-mail: elenarp@ugr.es Cuenta : Caja General de Ahorros de Granada. Urbana 7, Camino de Ronda, Granada. Nr. c/c 007.0100494629
Great Britain and Northern Ireland: Alejandro Coroleu University of Nottingham Dept of Hispanic Studies University Park GB-Nottingham NG7 2RD Fax : ++44/115/951 5814 E-mail: Alejandro.Coroleu@nottingham.ac.uk. Natwest Bank, Nottingham University, University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham NG7 2AG. Account No. 71559140 Sorting Code 601549.
United States: Craig Kallendorf Dept. of English Texas A&M University College Station Texas 77 843-4227 USA fax: (409) 862-2292. Members from Italy, the United States and France should contact D. Defilippis, Craig Kallendorf, and Colette Nativel for further details.
ADVISORY BOARD 2003-2006 At the business meeting at at Bonn (7 August 2003), the Advisory Board was approved with the following members: Ingrid De Smet L�szl� Havas Heinz Hofmann Antonio Iurilli Craig Kallendorf Johann Ramminger Elena Rodriguez Peregrina Reija Sarasti-Wilenius
Budapest, lying on both banks of the Danube, was united from the cities of Buda, Pest and �buda
(ancient Buda) in 1873. �buda's origins can be traced back to the Celtic Ak Ink (meaning 'spring rich in
water' -- Budapest is still famous for its spas!), from which the Roman name of the city is derived:
Aquincum. The town was founded in the first century A.D. by the Roman legions which had occupied
the region they called Pannonia, and which is today's Western part of Hungary. Only ruins remain of
the monumental buildings of the military settlement and the civilian town: an amphitheatre, a small
Mithras temple and public baths. In the early fifth century the Roman defence lines were swept away
by the Great Migration: Goths, Huns, Gepids, Longobards, Avars, Franks and Moravians occupied the
region till the arrival of Hungarian tribes (896). The Hungarian royal seat was moved to Buda in the
thirteenth century. A Western European type of urban and bourgeois development began in Pest, which
had a mixed German-Hungarian population in the thirteenth century. The ruling of King Sigismund I
(1387--1437) and King Mathias I (1458--1490) brought wealth and cultural richness to the city.
Humanist literature and science flourished at the court of King Mathias around the famous Corvinian
Library, and then in the time of Vladislas II, cultivated by numerous Hungarian poets and Italian,
German and Czech wandering humanists. After the battle of Moh�cs (1526) and the fall of the castle
(1541) to the Turks, Buda ceased to be the centre of the Kingdom of Hungary. The city started to revive
only after the liberation from the Osman rule (1686). The Latin literacy was brought back by the
settling of Jesuit, Piarist, Franciscan and other orders, and the moving of the University from
Nagyszombat to Buda (1772). This second golden age of Neolatin culture was ended only by the
reform regulations in 1844, which made Hungarian the official language of the country instead of
Latin. Now Budapest, having approximately 2.000.000 inhabitants, is the largest city in East Central
Szeged lies on Hungary's south-eastern border, just south of the mouth of the Maros River, on both
banks of the river Tisza. Szeged is the main city of Csongr�d county and serves as a commercial and
cultural center of the region. It is the forth biggest city in Hungary, home to around 160 thousand
people. Aside from local residence, the city also takes in about 15,000 students, who all attend the
University of Szeged. The city of Szeged existed even during the time of the Roman Empire, where its
strategic location was perfect for guard post settlement to guard the gold and salt shipments coming
from Dacia. A couple of years before 1274 the settlement advanced to city rank, and become the
cultural and economic center of the region. Szeged played an important role during the fifteenth
century in the campaigns lead against the advancing Turkish armies. The Franciscan church of
Als�v�ros (in the southern part of the medieval city) was the unique centre of catholic culture under
the Turkish domination. 1879 was the most dramatic date in the city's history, but it was also the start
of the rebirth of Szeged. The flood water of the river Tisza broke through the dams protecting the
residence and virtually washed the entire city away. Only 5 % of the buildings remained standing! The
news of the disaster spread throughout Europe. Concerts and fund raisers where held all over the
continent to help rebuild Szeged. With the financial help of Vienna, London, Brussels, Paris, Rome and
Berlin a new modern city was built with an exemplary layout of avenues and boulevards, with a
strikingly homogenous architecture that preserves the Eclecticism and Art Nouveau of the turn of the
century. Thus its present layout of wide streets, incorporating a network of three rings with avenues
crossing them, gives the city its fairly modern and organized appearance. The major avenues were
named after the contributing cities, and later a monument was erected in memory of the Great Flood.
Szeged offers an experience unequal to any visitor of the city. Its sights, like the Romanic-style tower of
St. Demetrius of the medieval parish church, the Gothic-style Franciscan church and convent, the
Baroque Minorite church, the Votive church, the Synagogue, the Hero's Arch, the Ferenc M�ra Museum
all give such a distinct character to the city, that it is safe to say: Szeged is the gem of the Great Plains.
The renovated shops, caf�s and beautiful buildings of the Karasz street give it a Mediterranean feel.
The Benedictine monastery on Saint Martin's Hill (Pannonhalma) was established by G�za, chieftain of
Hungary in 996. King Stephen provided a special priviledge for the monastery. The hill was named
after Saint Martin of Tours since the tradition regarded the neighbouring Pannonian village, Sabaria as
the saint's birthplace. The monastery's archival collection has been enriched from the establishment up
to the present day continuously, this collection is one of the most important sources of the medieval
and modern Hungarian history. The library's first extant inventory dates back to the eleventh century,
but unfortunately a considerable part of the material was demolished during the centuries. The present
collection, however, preserves several incunabula and Humanist editions from the sixteenth and
seventeenth centuries as well. Here must be mentioned, inter alia, the Paintner-collection of Jesuit
origin which contains unedited Neolatin-manuscripts. The present building of the monastery was built
in Baroque and Classicist style, but the church still preserves the medieval and Renaissance traces of
the monastery. Among the art-collections not only the treasury but the cabinet of paintings and statues
is of high value as well. In the lapidarium can be visited the collection of Antique Roman and Italian
and also local fragments. Beside the monastery a botanical garden is situated. For further information
visit http://www.osb.hu.